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Fred Shubinsky
Fred started his ballroom dancing in Russia. His first dance performance was with his sister in their father's production theater. He continued his training at Arthur Murray in Cincinnati and after moving to Naples Florida he received further training at DanceLife under the direction of Sonia Ragan.​
While in Cincinnati, Fred did choreography in the Cincinnati Community Center for 5 years. During these years he was in a number of performances and competitions.
Fred enjoys teaching ballroom dancing and seeing his students improve. His students have great things to say about him:
Ed: "Fred is a very dedicates, very patients, knowledgeable about many aspects of dance."
Kim: "What a good instructors Fred is! I can't believe how many dances I learned in such a short period of time. I have gained so much confidence in myself. You are the best Fred!"
Nancy: "Fred did a great job teaching me from the beginning. He made sure I knew the right foot work and it helped me progress very fast with the different dances. He is a talented and smart instructors. Thanks a lot Fred!"

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